A utility for developers to send text (sms) notifications to subscribers

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How it works

Number 1

Choose a unique keyword and the message content that is associated with that keyword.

Number 2

Have interested people text the keyword to the provided Text Notify phone number to be opted into these notifications.

Number 3

In your application wherever this notification applies, call the provided Text Notify endpoint to send the pre-configured text to all opted-in phone numbers for that keyword.

Sample Use Cases

A text makes sense the most when the information is time-sensitive, as people are more likely to see a text right away than an email or something else.

Here are a few use cases to get you thinking of how developers incorporate text notifications in the things they're building. We support opt-in only cases.

New Order

The owner of the business you built an e-commerce site for has a manual action to take when a new order is made.

System Alert

You've built a product for yourself. When something critical happens inside the app, like a specific error, get notified right away.

Text Marketing

A customer of a digital marketing agency wants to send coupons to people who have opted into their marketing list.


There's a number of event attendees that need to be notified that the start time of the event is 30 minutes later than originally planned.

In Development Sign up for waitlist